Tuesday, February 26, 2019

The Hardest Labor of Love

Does anyone else struggle with balance? I spend so much time juggling the day-to-day, I often find other areas of life lacking.

I've been practicing yoga quite a bit lately. I go to a studio a few times a week and it brings me more clarity and purpose than any other form of exercise. However, when I take this time for myself, the laundry is left unfolded.

I spent the better part of my 3-day weekend removing wallpaper from our bedroom. I did not even get half the walls done, and the rest of the house looked like a tornado had come through. So much effort, and so little tangible results to show.

I work hard to make sure my kids feel loved. We read together at least 30 minutes each night, and we sit and do homework, art projects, piano lessons before this. And then I am left with no time/energy for meal planning and grocery shopping.

How do we do it all and still manage to sleep 6-8 hours a night? I started to beat myself up because I'll be missing my workout tonight. Instead I'll be spending some much needed quality time with my girlfriends.

Self love is hard. Putting love and energy in one thing often leaves other things undone. So what if we're having another frozen Trader Joe's dinner tonight? At least we are getting fed, and at least the kids feel loved and nourished.

If you're feeling stretched thin, know you are not alone. Keep loving on yourself and your family. Whatever that may look like today. The dishes will be there tomorrow. Feed and nourish your soul today.

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